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The haitian drummer [enr. sonore]/ / Tiroro
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1 disque compact
Best Drummer in Haïti

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  • Stick control for the snare drummer George Lawrence Stone,...
    Stick control for the sna...
    Stone George Lawrence
  • Progressive steps to syncopation for the modern drummer [Texte imprimé] by Ted Reed
    Progressive steps to sync...
    Reed Ted
  • The conga drummer's guidebook [Texte imprimé] by Michael Spiro ; with Josh Ryan
    The conga drummer's guide...
    Spiro Michael
  • Drummer boy dessins Willy Lambil , scénario Raoul Cauvin
    Drummer boy dessins Willy...
    Lambil Willy (pseud.)
  • Life and music of the legendary cuban conga drummer: Blen Blen Blen: Volume 1 Chano Pozo
    Life and music of the leg...
    Pozo Luciano "Chano" (1915-1948)
  • Life and music of the legendary cuban conga drummer: The Cu-Bop days: Volume 3 Chano Pozo
    Life and music of the leg...
    Pozo Luciano "Chano" (1915-1948)
  • Life and music of the legendary cuban conga drummer: Timbero, la timba es mía: Volume 2 Chano Pozo
    Life and music of the leg...
    Pozo Luciano "Chano" (1915-1948)
  • The survivor [enr. sonore] Donald Harisson
    The survivor [enr. sonore...
    Harrison Donald
  • Sean Kingston CD Sean Kingston
    Sean Kingston CD Sean Kin...
    Kingston Sean
  • Le Jazz trinidad [enr. sonore]/ Rupert Clemendore
    Le Jazz trinidad [enr. so...
    Clemendore Rupert