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The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Database on CD-ROM [CD-ROM] / David Eltis, Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson, et Herbert S. Klein

Eltis David
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Database on CD-ROM [CD-ROM] / David Eltis, Stephen D. Behrendt, David Richardson, et Herbert S. Klein
Description matérielle
1 CD-ROM + 1 manuel (xi, 89 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.)
Contains the records of 27,233 transatlantic slaveship voyages made between 1595 and 1866 from all over Europe. The disc contains software that allows users to process data by the time periods and geographic regions of their choice. It also permits the downloading of data in ascii format for use in other programs. Interactive maps that allow users to establish the structure of transatlantic connections are also included on the CD-ROM. The accompanying data set contains incomplete data for 170 fields of information for each voyage, covering the people on board and their experiences, the owners and captains, the ships' characteristics, and the geographic span of each voyage. Together, the CD-ROM and the data set provide the basis for answering questions on the source and timing of the arrival in the Americas of the peoples of African descent.

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Eltis David

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