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Blue interlude CD / Wynton Marsalis Septet
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1 disque compact

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Wynton Marsalis septet

Au sujet de l'auteur


  • Blue interlude[enr. sonore]/ Wynton Marsalis Septet
    Blue interlude[enr. sonor...
    Marsalis, Wynton 1961-....
  • Two men with the blues [enr. sonore] Wynton Marsalis
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    Marsalis Wynton
  • From the plantation to the penitentiary CD Wynton Marsalis
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  • Gestures in southern blue 3 Wynton Marsalis, trp...
    Gestures in southern blue...
    Marsalis, Wynton 1961-....
  • He and she CD Wynton Marsalis
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  • In this house on this morning Wynton Marsalis septet, groupe instr.
    In this house on this mor...
    Marsalis, Wynton 1961-....
  • He and she [enr. sonore]/ Wynton Marsalis
    He and she [enr. sonore]/...
    Marsalis, Wynton 1961-....
  • Marsalis standard time [enr. sonre]/ Wynton Marsalis
    Marsalis standard time [e...
    Marsalis, Wynton 1961-....
  • Standard time 1 Wynton Marsalis, trp... [et al.]
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    Marsalis Wynton (1961-....). trp
  • From Billie Holiday to Edith Piaf CD live in Marciac Wynton Marsalis quintet (The)
    From Billie Holiday to Ed...
    Wynton Marsalis quintet (The)